Press Conferences & Press Events in Italy
Would you like to place a product on the Italian market or increase awareness of a product, press events can be an important step in efficient public relations of any company in Italy.
To organize a press conference or press event in Italy will be difficult without a local team to rely on with matters of event planning, research, distribution and on-site management. These elements are crucial for the success of a press conference in Italy, and they would all be lacking or inadequate if handled from abroad.
For example, when a press conference in Italy is bound to take place, a UK-based company would require a local partner to search for suitable locations, to monitor advertising campaigns so that an adequate amount of coverage is achieved through television, radio, Internet and association member involvement. Once the event planning is settled and in full swing, event management services are needed so that the gathering of journalists and other interested parties may focus on the matter at hand. A high-coverage press event in Italy, for instance, would require the organizer, preferably a local company, to provide a comprehensive package of services, including catering, transportation, decorating, cleaning, security and translating, all of which would be complicated tenfold and delayed tremendously if supervised by an organizer miles away and operating on a different time-zone.
We are certainly your perfect partner in Italy to turn your press event in Italy into a success.